
Swedish geese ignoring me. I took this picture right before I realized that in my journalistic enthusiasm I had knelt in a glob of bird poop. Yay. Park life.

Its another grey October day in Malmö, but I am learning that one of the keys to enjoying life despite the clouds is just to embrace it. Get outside and move. Hike. Walk. Bike. Run.Running is best, especially since we live next to a huge urban park frequented by runners all hours of the day and evening.

This morning I ran and took pictures, just because its beautiful.

Tall green trees so big they are hard to fit in the I-Phone frame. Rich, earthy dirt. Mushrooms. Expansive lake. Water fowl. Trees just hinting that its almost time to change colors and drop leaves.

While I ran I was listening to an old favorite, John and Stasi Eldredge’s Captivating.

Nature is not primarily functional. Its primarily beautiful. Stop for a moment and let that soak in. — John and Stasi Eldredge’s Captivating




When it rains almost every day, life pops up everywhere, sometimes overnight.


Trees calling me away from the rows of apartment buildings and into the park center.
